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Public Notices

  • Freezing Temperatures and Water Line Tips

    With the freezing temperatures in the forecast January 19th through the 23rd, please review these handy tips to avoid frozen pipes at home. Stay safe!

  • Residential Water Line Survey

    The EPA has required all municipalities across the US to create an inventory of their water service line materials. CM has been working on creating this inventory by reviewing multiple types of records, field work, and service calls for meter work.  We are now asking for the citizen’s help in completing this task.

    The water bill that was sent out recently, contained a survey asking the residents to participate in a survey. The survey will take 5 or 10 minutes to complete, and the information will be sent directly to us. It contains a QR code, web address, email, phone number, for information. If you do not have the water bill, the link and QR code can be found on this flyer. For help with finding your water meter and determining what type of water line you have, this guide is a useful resource. 

    Questions? Call 330-673-1688.

Contact Us

City of Kent, Ohio
930 Overholt Road
Kent, OH 44240

Phone: 330.678.8100

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