Adult Egg Scramble
2025 Adult Egg Scramble
WHEN: Friday, April 18th
TIME: Check in from 5:30 - 7:00 PM, Scramble starts @ 7:30 PM
WHERE: Roy Smith Shelterhouse - 601 Middlebury Road
WHO: Ages 18 and up
COST: $30 per participant, $5 early registration discount before March 14th
Participants will collect as many eggs of the thousands spread throughout Fred Fuller Park as they can. Each egg contains at least one raffle ticket that could win one of the major prizes after the scramble, while some other eggs will also contain numbers that relate directly to one of many smaller prizes. Make sure to bring an egg receptacle (Bag, box, bucket, etc.) to collect as many eggs as you can.
Mar 29
Mar 29
Apr 01
Apr 05
Apr 05

Contact Us
Kent Parks & Recreation
497 Middlebury Road
Kent, OH 44240
Phone: 330.673.8897