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School Inspections

All public and parochial schools are inspected to ensure that students have a safe place to learn in while creating and maintaining an environment that aides in the prevention and control of disease, reduces accidents, and provides an example of good sanitary practices. Playground equipment, food safety, and chemical storage are all investigated during the semi-annual inspection.

Contact Us

Health Department
201 E Erie St. 2nd Fl.
Kent, Ohio 44240

Phone: 330-678-8109

Animal Bites: Ext. 5205
Body Art/Tattoos: Ext. 5208
Food Safety Ext. 5208
Housing: Ext. 5203
Mosquito Control: Ext. 5208
Nuisance Complaints: Ext. 5208
Nurse Clinic/Immunizations: Ext. 5209
Solid Waste/Trash: Ext. 5205
Swimming Pools/Spas: Ext. 5208



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