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Carbon Monoxide & Smoke Detectors

Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Carbon monoxide is dangerous to inhale and can result in death. Carbon monoxide detectors could save you and your family's lives. For questions regarding your carbon monoxide detectors or purchasing one, please contact the Fire Safety Department at 330-676-7393.

Smoke Detectors

The Kent Fire Department applied for and was awarded a grant in fire prevention. The funds were used to purchase smoke detectors for Kent residents. The Kent Fire Department offers free smoke detectors for residents that live within the city or Franklin Township. The homes must be owner occupied since  the terms of the grant state we are not allowed to supply smoke detectors to rental properties. A person from the Fire Department will come to your house and conduct a brief safety inspection, then install battery powered smoke detectors. If you have a home that has smoke detectors that are powered by your homes electrical system, then these detectors do not apply to you. Please contact the Fire Prevention Bureau for details about getting smoke detectors for your home. 

Smoke Detector Maintenance and Life Span

Smoke detectors should be replaced every 10 years or sooner if they malfunction. Batteries should be changed at least once a year, unless your detector has an extended life battery. Your smoke detectors should be tested monthly, by pushing the test button on the unit. 


Contact Us

City of Kent, Ohio
930 Overholt Road
Kent, OH 44240

Phone: 330.678.8100

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