Carbon Monoxide & Smoke Detectors
Smoke and Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detectors
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Kent Fire Prevention may be able to assist you with installing new smoke or carbon monoxide detectors in your home. The homes must be owner-occupied. If you are a renter, please contact your building maintenance for assistance. A person from the Fire Department will come to your house and conduct a brief safety inspection, then assist with installing battery-powered smoke detectors when possible. If you have a home with smoke detectors powered by your home electrical system and interconnected, then these detectors may need to be installed by an electrician. Please contact the Fire Prevention Bureau for details about getting smoke detectors for your home.
People requiring assistance may be eligible for free smoke or carbon monoxide detectors, along with installation if needed.
New smoke and CO detectors have an expiration date on the back and should be replaced when they expire or if they malfunction. Please test your detectors monthly using the test button on the front and change the batteries as needed. Some newer detectors now have extended-life batteries that may last up to 10 years and should not need replacement batteries during their lifetime. These should still be tested monthly.
The link below will take you to the National Fire Protection Association website with more information.:
Learn More About Smoke Alarms ("
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