Leaf and Brush Collection
The City of Kent conducts leaf collection each fall and brush collection in the spring and fall. The leaf collection program begins in November and ends in mid-December, depending on snowfall. Collection occurs in an ongoing fashion with repeated routes. Residents are asked to rake their leaves to the curb regularly as they accumulate. Do not rake leaves into the street. If there is not sufficient room for leaves at the curb, please bag your leaves and call the Service Department at 330-678-8105 to schedule a pickup. Leaves may also be dropped off at the Yard Waste Site.
The brush collection program occurs in May and October, according to the schedule in the Spring and Fall Tree City Bulletin. Residents are asked to place brush at the curb or edge of the street before Monday of the neighborhood's scheduled week. Crews will only make one pass on each side of the street. If you miss the pickup, you may bring the brush to the Yard Waste Site during normal hours of operation.
Call 330-678-8105 with questions.