Communicable Diseases
The Kent City Health Department Nurse Clinic works in conjunction with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Ohio Department of Health to prevent the spread of communicable diseases. Communicable Disease defined is referred to as a disease which may be transmitted directly or indirectly from one individual to another.
The Health Department refers patients seeking care in a variety of categories to centers for assistance with their health concerns. Contact the Kent City Health Department Nurse Clinic at 330-678-8109 Ext. 5209 for more information.
Infectious Disease Reporting
Communicable diseases are required by law to be reported by physicians to local Health Departments for the purposes of statistics, treatment follow-up, and prevention of community epidemics. These reports are used to protect the public's health by quickly identifying outbreaks, developing policies to promote wellness, and offering a snapshot of the community's health.
- To report a communicable disease in the city of Kent Ohio limits, please complete this form NE Ohio Communicable Disease Report Form (PDF) and fax to 330-678-2082.
- Reportable Infectious Diseases
- Ohio Department of Health Infectious Diseases
Contact Us
Health Department
201 E Erie St. 2nd Fl.
Kent, Ohio 44240
Phone: 330-678-8109
Animal Bites: Ext. 5205
Body Art/Tattoos: Ext. 5208
Food Safety Ext. 5208
Housing: Ext. 5203
Mosquito Control: Ext. 5208
Nuisance Complaints: Ext. 5208
Nurse Clinic/Immunizations: Ext. 5209
Solid Waste/Trash: Ext. 5205
Swimming Pools/Spas: Ext. 5208