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Mosquito Tips for Residents

Residents of are reminded that mosquitoes breed in standing water. Follow some of the following tips to help in reducing the mosquito population:

Install or repair window and door screens so mosquitoes cannot get indoors.
Keep gutters clean and free of standing water.
Empty water at least twice a week from:
Flower pots
Pet food and water dishes
Swimming pool covers
Remove discarded tires and other items that could collect water.
Be sure to check containers or trash in places that may be hard to see, such as under bushes or under your home.

Tips to avoid mosquito bites include:

Use an insect repellent that contains DEET, picaridin, oil, lemon eucalyptus, or other EPA-approved active ingredients on skin and/or clothing.

• Avoid being outside at dawn and dusk.  If you cannot avoid those times, use an insect repellant according to the label directions. 

• Avoid shaded and wooded areas where mosquitoes may be present.

• Cover your skin when outdoors. Wear long-sleeve shirts, long pants, socks, and shoes.

Contact Us

City of Kent, Ohio
930 Overholt Road
Kent, OH 44240

Phone: 330.678.8100

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