Special Events and Block Party Permits
Tents--Liability insurance carried by the tent supplier.
Portable restrooms--Liability insurance carried by the portable restroom supplier.
(q) Street Closures – Street closures are subject to Council approval. The Service Director will determine the amount and location of barricades and cones required for street closures. The applicants may be required to pick up and return the barricades and cones from the Street Department. A bond of one hundred dollars ($100) will be due and payable to the City at such time as an application for a permit is filed with the City. The deposit is refundable at the discretion of the City of Kent. Additional fees may be incurred should City staff be required to provide services for the event during outside of normal business hours.
(a) The one hundred dollar ($100.00) bond required by Section 316.04(q) OR (r) shall be paid by cash, certified check, cashier's check or money order which shall be deposited with the City Manager's Office who shall acknowledge receipt thereof and deposit the bond with the Director of Finance. Said bond may be waived by the City Manager in case of proven indigency.
(b) Amounts deposited pursuant to this chapter shall earn no interest for the depositor while such moneys are on deposit with the Director of Finance.
(c) Bonds held pursuant to this chapter shall be returned only to the person to whom the original receipt for deposit was given upon such person making application for the refund in person at the offices of the Director of Finance, who shall refund such deposit within five working days upon presentation by the applicant of each and every one of the following:
(1) The original receipt given on behalf of the Director of Finance when the bond was posted, which receipt must also bear the signature of the City Manager or his/her designee and an acknowledgment by the City Manager or his/her designee that such bond has not been forfeited pursuant to subsection (d) hereof. This receipt must be surrendered to the Director of Finance upon return of the original check or money order;
(2) Reasonable proof of identity; and
(3) A statement from the office of the City Manager approving the release of the funds.
(d) Amounts deposited as bond pursuant to subsection (a) hereof shall be forfeited to the City and deposited in the General Fund upon the happening of any one of the following events:
(1) Failure of the depositor to apply for a refund within five working days after the related permit has expired;
(2) Revocation of the related permit pursuant to the provisions of Section 315.04 upon written confirmation given to the Director of Finance by the City Manager or his/her designee of such revocation which confirmation shall include the reason for the revocation;
(3) Failure to return city property or equipment which may have been issued to the applicant for use at said event.
(4) The commission by any participant in the related block party of any act of disorderly conduct, vandalism, littering or other criminal act regardless of whether such participant is apprehended, as shall be verified in writing and given to the Director of Finance by the City Manager or his/her designee which verification shall identify the proscribed act or acts for which the aforesaid bond will be forfeited; or
(5) The finding of any litter on the affected area or any vandalism to public or private property on or near the affected area the morning after such party has been held, regardless of whether such acts of littering or vandalism have been witnessed or the perpetrators thereof apprehended, as shall be verified in writing and given to the Director of Finance by the City Manager or his/her designee which verification shall identify the proscribed act or acts for which the aforesaid bond will be forfeited.
Contact Us
City of Kent, Ohio
930 Overholt Road
Kent, OH 44240
Phone: 330.678.8100