2024 City Facilities Energy Audits
In November of 2023, NOPEC alerted Kent City Council that the City of Kent was selected as one of only 5 NOPEC communities to receive an additional resource in the realm of decarbonization and sustainability planning as part of NOPEC’s new Resiliency and Sustainability Support program. Part of this resource involves the provision of a consulting and research team from the global comprehensive energy solutions company, World Kinect.
The City provided World Kinect with a wide variety of data related to city properties and associated energy use, including the City’s most recent Green House Gas Inventory Update. Utilizing same, the team at World Kinect was able to provide an initial glidepath report, providing a portfolio of City building energy and carbon emission analysis, and some initial recommendations for efficiency and decarbonization measures for consideration.
As a result of their initial analysis work, the World Kinect Team connected the City to the COSE (Council of Smaller Enterprises) program with Greater Cleveland Partnership (GCP) that paid for ASHRAE Level 2 energy audits for four of our City buildings identified in the glidepath as being significant energy users: Kent’s Police Department, Fire Station No.1 (downtown), the Service Administration Complex at Overholt, and the City’s Vehicle Maintenance Facility.
These facility audits were completed in June 2024, and the final reports are in!
These audit reports will help guide the City when considering capital projects, upgrades and/or sustainability projects for these facilities in the future.
Click on the links below to view the associated reports.
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