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The City of Kent Community Development Department contracts with Fair Housing Contact Services (FHCS).  Fair Housing inquires can be directed to FHCS at 330-376-6191, or toll free at 1-877-376-6191. Any inquires related to tenant-landlord issues can be directed to FHCS at 330-376-0359. Additionally, many resources on housing discrimination, renter's rights, and housing counseling can be on the FHCS website.

 Do you know your fair housing rights?  


Visit the Kent City Trash Ordinance Program page for information.


How do you keep mold out of buildings and homes? Moisture control is the key to mold control. Learn more about mold from the following resources:

Residential Rental Licensing

Residential rental dwellings (occupied by 4 or more unrelated tenants) located in the City of Kent, Ohio limits are licensed and inspected annually by the Health Department to assure that they are conducive to good health and well-being and that they are maintained in a manner that will limit deterioration. 

Single-family residential rentals for structures that consist of 1 and 2 rental units are licensed and inspected by the Community Development Department. Click here for Community Development application documents.

Single-family residential rentals are limited to no more than 2 unrelated tenants.  The number of occupants allowed in a rental unit is governed by the allowed use of the zoning district that the structure is located in.  A Zoning Use Certificate can be obtained through the Community Development department to verify.

The Kent City Health Department Housing Program and Community Development Rental Licensing Program enforce rules taken from the Codified Ordinances of the City of Kent.

Contact Us

Community Development 
930 Overholt Rd.
Kent, Ohio 44240

Phone: 330-678-8108


Contact Us

Health Department
201 E Erie St. 2nd Fl.
Kent, Ohio 44240

Phone: 330-678-8109

Animal Bites: Ext. 5205
Body Art/Tattoos: Ext. 5208
Food Safety Ext. 5208
Housing: Ext. 5203
Mosquito Control: Ext. 5208
Nuisance Complaints: Ext. 5208
Nurse Clinic/Immunizations: Ext. 5209
Solid Waste/Trash: Ext. 5205
Swimming Pools/Spas: Ext. 5208



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